Can dogs eat tortillas? Maybe you’ve wondered if your dog could have a bite while grabbing a stack of tortillas in the kitchen ahead of a taco Tuesday feast. If humans can eat tortillas, can dogs safely eat them too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat tortillas safely. On the one hand, the ingredients in most tortillas aren’t likely to be harmful to your dog.
But on the other hand, tortillas don’t really provide much in the way of nutritional benefits to your dog, and feeding your pooch too many carbohydrates could lead to canine obesity.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your canine friend, including tortillas. Here’s what you need to know about tortillas and dogs.
When Are Tortillas Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Usually made out of corn or wheat flour, tortillas should not necessarily be harmful to your dog unless they have an intolerance or allergy to corn or wheat.
While tortillas don’t exactly offer much in the way of nutritional benefits to your dog, they should provide an amount of fiber that can contribute to a healthy and regular digestion schedule.
Additionally, corn tortillas can provide a good amount of the minerals magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus to your dog.
When Are Tortillas Bad For Dogs?

While tortillas are not likely to prove to be toxic to your dog, the main problem is that they really don’t contribute anything positive to a healthy and balanced canine diet.
Tortillas pack a lot of carbohydrates, and eating too many carbs can lead your dog towards canine obesity, which can in turn bring on a host of medical conditions.
So while it’s okay to let your dog have a quick bite of a plain tortilla from time to time, they really aren’t the best addition to your pooch’s regular meals.
Has your dog ever had a taste of your tortillas? Did they like it? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!