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Dog Rescue (Page 9)
The poodle died and the faithful pit bull stood guard over her friend's dead body for two weeks. That's when…
When you think of a K9, these might not be the dogs you imagine. Shelter dogs are helping law enforcement…
The mama Beagle had delivered her puppies as far away as possible. Sadly, it wasn't very far and wasn't any…
The ASPCA and police seized 23 Pit Bull dogs from a property in North Carolina following a tip about a…
Hope For Paws got a message about a homeless poodle that was possibly injured.
Along with being blind, they've also been diagnosed with a degree of hearing impairment. The trio of pups have had…
Wacku is the survivor of a horrific attack that was carried out by a drunken man with a machete. The…
While on a run through a park, a jogger in Michigan heard strange noises. When she investigated, she found a…
When we salute our military veterans on their special day – and we should – let’s also remember the four-legged…
Luckily the dogs were all in good shape.
A girl and a dog, both born deaf, have become the best of friends and she's now teaching the dog…
It's heartbreaking to see so many homeless dogs living in such conditions but it's so good to know that there…
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