Getting distracted by a squirrel? It happens to the best of us – or rather our pooches – from time to time. But firefighters had to rescue one dog who fell 50 feet down a ravine after spotting one of the tree-dwelling rodents, the Gazette & Herald reports.
On Saturday (Nov. 5), fire crews from the North Yorkshire town of Pickering were called. They received reports that a man and a dog had fallen in the North York Moors National Park.
The dog dad was able to get himself back to the path safely. However, two-year-old Patterdale Terrier Roxy was on a ledge around 50 feet down a ravine.
Mountain Rescue Team Required
Firefighters realized that the drop – and the scared pup – were deeper than they thought originally. So, they called in the mountain rescue team too.
“It is believed that Roxy had been ‘distracted’ by a squirrel resulting in the fall,” said a spokesperson for Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team.
“Working with the Fire and Rescue service we quickly set up a dual rope system to lower John, one of our team members, with dog treats down to Roxy. The dog appeared uninjured and was coaxed into a rope bag before John and Roxy were hauled back to the top of the crag allowing Roxy to be reunited with her relieved owners.”
Roxy “No Worse” After Experience
“In a great example of joint working and we were grateful of the scene lighting provided by the Fire and Rescue Service which turned a dark, wet, foggy night into daylight, for clearing the shrubs away from the crag edge and for helping haul John and Roxy back up from the find site,” continued the spokesperson.
“We had sixteen team members deployed for three and a quarter hours. Roxy appeared no worse for her adventure.”
Dog and dog dad are both safe and well after the ordeal. Afterward, dog mom Gill Richardson took to Facebook to thank the rescue teams involved. “It was an anxious time for us not knowing if the rescue would go ahead tonight,” she said. “You were all fantastic Thank you.”