Myeloproliferative disorders in dogs happen when the bone marrow produces too many cells. Technically, the condition is seen as a…
Myelin deficiency in dogs happens when a dog's body does not produce enough myelin. Technically, myelin is a substance that…
Mushroom poisoning in dogs happens when a dog eats a mushroom that is toxic. There are around one hundred types…
Can dogs eat caramel apples? No, while caramel is not explicitly toxic for dogs, it is comprised of raw sugar, which…
Mycotoxicosis (tremogenic toxins) in dogs is a condition caused by contaminated food products. Unfortunately, the condition can be very harmful…
Muscle tears in dogs is a condition that's usually caused by a trauma to the area. For example, a broken…
Muscle cramps in Scottish Terriers is a hereditary condition. As you'd guess by its name, the condition affects the Scottish…
Muscle contraction disease in dogs is a type of seizure. The cause of the condition usually involves a dog's nervous…
Mumps in dogs is a condition that is caused by a type of viral infection. The condition causes a dog's…
Mucopolysaccharidoses in dogs is a rare genetic condition. The condition can affect a dog's organs and cause physical deformities.
Chronic mouth inflammation and ulcers in dogs is a condition that affects the mouth. Specifically, lesions form on the tongue…
Oral melanocytic tumors in dogs is a type of mouth cancer. The condition produces the most common form of oral…