Happy Birthday Dog Wishes
Happiest of days to your special little soul! Hope you both share cuddles and pets all day from one another!
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Today’s the day your little monster was born! I hope they get all the treats they deserve and keep that floor clean -- even if just for a little bit.
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I hope you and your little friend have the most paw-fect day together! Give them a huge cuddle for me and one big tummy rub!
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Have the most beautiful day with your perfect, furry friend! I’m expecting lots of photographs of long walks and embarrassing outfits!
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Have a tail wagging day to the most splendid of fluffy souls. I hope they have a day filled with smells, mud, and more!
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Despite me not being there, I expect updates every hour of my favorite little creature’s special day. Give them one big hug and pet from me!
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Celebrations all round for our favorite canine friend! I hope you have the most special day planned and enjoy all your time with your cutie patootie.
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Another year, another dirty floor! I hope those paws are kept nice and clean for our favorite dog’s special day! All my love.
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All the treats on me! All of you spend the day in bed covered in fur and cuddles! I hope you have the best time.
(Picture Credit: Giselleflissak/Getty Images)
Long walks, meaty bites, belly rubs, and more! I hope today your best little friend gets spoiled rotten by everyone in the house! Today’s the day for some blissful dog dreams!
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I hope our fabulous Fido has the most fabulous time on their special day! Make it magical and filled with heavenly food. I’m sure they’ll be telling all their dog friends in the park tomorrow how spoiled they’ve been!
(Picture Credit: Capuski/Getty Images)
I hope today is full of love and freedom for your special little ranger! I’m expecting spa treatment for your little terror and some dog presents too!
(Picture Credit: Rebecca D'Angelo/Getty Images)
Give them all the cuddles and kisses. This little four-legged wonder deserves all the love in the world on their birthday! Filled with pupcorn and hot dogs!
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It’s time for you and your pooch to celebrate in style! Let your little one off the leash and celebrate their paw-ssionate love for you with all the cuddles they desire.
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Anything is paw-sible today for your Fido friend, and no walkies are enough for this special one. Give them treats galore! Sending you both all the love in the world.
(Picture Credit: Stefan Cristian Cioata/Getty Images)
Today’s the day for the most beautiful of walks for our paw-fect little friend! Have the best time together, and I can’t wait to visit you both again!
(Picture Credit: IzaLysonArts / 500px/Getty Images)
Who let the dogs out?! And don't blame the dog! I hope you treat the apple of your eye with all the respect and love they require!
(Picture Credit: Tiffany Kelly/Noble Soul Photography/Getty Images)
Raising a glass of muddy water to your furry little friend. I hope they get spoiled and are given all the treats in the world so they know how special they are to us all!
(Picture Credit: saraidasilva/Getty Images)
Since this little creature has come into your life, you’ve transformed! Show your dog some love today, as they’ve given you so much in return!
(Picture Credit: AleksandarNakic/Getty Images)
I am so proud that you and your little friend have bonded to the extent you have. I love seeing how much you help each other out, and I’m sure if they could speak human, they’d say the same!
(Picture Credit: Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Getty Images)
I think today you should organize a sur-paws party for your little friend! Get that tail wagging with treats leading to a muddy puddle and a birthday crown!
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Bones at the ready! It’s time to treat your four-legged friend! Send me pictures of the day, and I cannot wait to join for walks soon!
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Let the sun shine and the bones align! All my love to you and your dog on the best day of the year! Their birthday!
(Picture Credit: Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Getty Images)
Forever and ever you two will be together! Please give the biggest cuddles and kisses to our special furry little friend!
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Mud, mud, glorious mud! Today you must do what your dog desires! Very best to you both and one big cuddle from me!
(Picture Credit: debu-hamu.com/Getty Images)