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Puppies (Page 13)
I was still basking in the glory of the Prop B victory when I read the most recent blog post…
Earlier this year, footage of a young Bosnian girl hurling helpless puppies into a river horrified millions — and…
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on picking the right puppy
Master trainer Ian Dunbar explains puppy socialization
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on training your puppy to have a soft mouth
Dogs will instinctively eliminate away from the areas where they sleep or eat. This instinct, however, will not stop a…
Parvovirus is a deadly threat to an unvaccinated dog. It is so infectious that anyone or anything can become a…
Teaching puppies to be safe & friendly around humans
Question: How long can you leave a puppy in a crate for housetraining? Answer: Assuming the puppy is on a…
Question: What if my puppy doesn’t like his crate? Answer: You can easily teach puppies to love their crates. Here’s…
Question: I thought my puppy was housetrained, but she had an accident. What do I do? Answer: First of all,…
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on keeping your dog from turning into an object guarder
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